1 in 3 adults in Mississippi are at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes

Are YOU at risk?


Mississippi is the only state with every county in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) “Diabetes Belt”. No public health district in Mississippi has diabetes prevalence below that of the national prevalence. And the Mississippi Diabetes Prevention Program is here to help. Our newest program begins Winter, 2020.

Could you have prediabetes? Mississippi residents are at more risk for type 2 diabetes than almost every other state. All you do is take the Diabetes Risk Test right here. If you are at risk, sign up and we will help find a diabetes prevention program that is convenient for you. So, take the test and we will help you to take the action needed for healthy lifestyle changes.


Get answers to commonly asked questions about prediabetes. Explore the diabetes prevention program options and take the Risk Test today.

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Our Mission

For Mississippi to become the first state that achieves a stakeholder engagement model dedicated to the sustainable delivery of diabetes prevention programs statewide in 2020.

Mississippi is poised to become the first state to achieve a stakeholder engagement model to scale a sustainable statewide diabetes prevention delivery ecosystem.


The Programs

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched the National Diabetes Prevention Program or National DPP lifestyle change program in 2010. In April of 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) launched the Medicare MDPP lifestyle change program. Both lifestyle change programs are intended to prevent, or delay type 2 diabetes.

Losing 50 pounds and keeping it off: Slow and steady

Begin Your Journey

Losing weight slowly and steadily helps reset your weight threshold. HabitNu meets you where you are and helps you succeed. No dieting or fasting!

With our program, you’ll learn, share and engage with a supportive health coach along with our innovative app and online community forum. You’ll have the support of a small group of members just like you, sharing the same challenges and working towards achieving similar goals.